Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'm not a leprechaun!

There are two very important steps that cannot be neglected in the on-line dating process. The first is to establish a profile that is informative to the potential reader. The profile has to be set-up so the person looking at it will be interested. I have concerns about the profile. Do people really look like their pictures? I have come to realize I place a lot of importance on the tone of someone's voice. You don't get this by looking at an on-line profile. I think it would be great if you could leave a voice message on your profile. I doubt that will be the next development.

I've been told by guys who have contacted me that my profile is very straight-forward and detailed. That was my intention. I have five recent pictures up. Enough to give a good idea of what I look like. I feel like five is a good number. Any more could give off the vibe that I am too into myself. I list my hobbies, favorite bands, favorite books, and favorite movies.

These guys need a lot more advice on how to set up their profiles. Reading these profiles is now one of my favorite hobbies. Let's begin with pictures. If you are now single, why are you posting photos with your ex? Even worse are the photos where they have placed a black circle over their ex's face. I don't understand this! A guy sent me a message, and on his profile he said he was looking for an "all amaricin girl". I don't live in Amarici! Amarici is a location I could not place on a map. One guy's profile consisted of the following "blah, blah, blah, blah". Way to be enthusiastic! Can you remind me why I would want to date you?

Other funny profile listings which are not getting these guys dates.:
"I really like guns."
"I'm tired of fake sass pitches" (Ok it didn't say sass pitches, but I don't curse.)
"Why are all women skanks and whores?"
"I'm looking for a girl with low standards."

I can't think of anymore at this moment. 3 pm isn't my best time for functioning, but trust me there are a wealth of other great profiles.

The first message you send someone is huge. You have to capture the other person's interest. You clearly want them to write back. I never know what to put in the subject line. I try to come up with something creative, but sometimes the subject ends up being "hi". My approach thus far has been to mention a few things from the person's profile to let them know I read their profile. Then I ask some generic questions just to get to know them. I don't know why I get the strangest first messages from people.

Strange first messages:
"I really like leprechauns."
- I am not Irish. Not even a little bit. I have red hair, but really? I'm not a leprechaun!

"I really like werewolves."
- Like leprechauns, werewolves do not exist. Do you look like Taylor Lautner? That's the only werewolf I care about.

"You are really pale. I think it's totally cool you are really pale."
-How is it cool that I'm pale? I naturally do not have a high level of melanin. My pale skin is not a personal choice. This guy also listed one of his interests as being goths.

"I'm in a motel room in Las Vegas right now."
-You couldn't even afford a hotel? It had to be a motel? Also, who is sharing that motel with you?

"You are sexy."
-I have no intention of ever responding to a person that sends me this kind of message.

"Are you a model? If not, I can help you with your career."
-I can't even provide a response for this.

These are the funniest I've gotten so far. In the next post I'll talk about some of the guys who actually got responses back.


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