Friday, January 15, 2010

On the left hand is my mitten, while the lighthouses get litten.

How important is spelling when trying to make a positive impression on someone? I think pretty important. I understand that people get to and too confused sometimes, but other than that spell check can solve a lot of common spelling errors. I would rank spelling as very important when someone claims to have a grad degree or a BA in English. It’s not so much about not being able to spell as it is being truthful. I’m pretty convinced though that there are people who think the grad degree education listing means they graduated high school. You would think the same if you saw their profile. It’s sad when they start off the profile saying “I’m smart”, and then spell everything wrong and have complete lack of punctuation.

As I said in the last post, my friend Sally came over last night. We watched a movie and browsed the dating website. She just got out of a brief online dating relationship. I’ll have to see if she’ll give me permission to tell small bits of her story. It’s pretty epic. We encountered some great profiles last night. By great I mean, well, you’ll see…

One guy wanted to show how philanthropic he is. I don’t remember what he listed for his occupation. Oh wait, yes I do… “it’s the shiznit”. Good for you! At least that’s better than “ask me” or “guess”. If someone puts “guess”, I always guess unemployed. His occupation was the least entertaining portion of his profile. My favorite part happened to be that he “wanted to set up an organization for kids born into failure.” What kind of failure would that be? Failure of a shiznit future job? That must be it.

The next two interesting profiles had some rather interesting spelling errors. The first guy had the word “lonly” in his screen name. The same word came up multiple times in his profile. Do you want to know how hard that word is to misspell? My auto spell check tried to change lonly to lonely multiple times over. The next guy wanted to be rather detailed on his first date suggestion by describing the scenery around the location. This location happened to have lighthouses that were litten. This prompted Sally and I to create a small rap of “on the left hand is my mitten, while the lighthouses get litten.” Yeah, we’re lyrical prodigies. I’ll give kudos for trying to create a new word.

I don’t understand why some guys go into complete detail on the first date portion. To be honest, I didn’t even fill it out. It didn’t seem to have a point. As long as it’s in a public place with an opportunity for quick exit in case things go very wrong, I’m happy. This certain guy became very carried away with his profile. There were at least eight paragraphs on his favorite topic, himself. He even updated when he changed jobs. His potential first date had three different options. Don’t worry, he updated this portion too in case the date got rained out. His first date option though was to go to a sandy beach. I’m so happy that Wisconsin happens to have multiple sandy beaches and a wonderful ocean. Per his description, the “water is warm and shallow” (just like himself – as Sally suggested). Another guy described his rather time consuming drinking habits. He actually called himself a drunk. A drunk pollack to be exact. Sally and I instantly thought beer battered fish fry.

Now it’s time for the messages that people send to me. I had a few e-mails sent from a nice Indian guy. He contacted me because he also liked the movie “The Namesake”. I told him Kal Penn is one of my favorite actors. He told me that he’s never heard of anyone who likes Kal Penn, and that “on behalf of the entire Indian community, I thank you.” I thought that was very funny. A history grad student contacted me today. He wrote three paragraphs on how he saw that I was the president of an organization, and that he likes assertive women. Specifically he likes domineering women to be the boss over him. I saved the e-mail. I plan to pull it up on bad days just to get a good laugh.

Update on stunning musician guy – I found the phone number. Success! I called him last night, but he didn’t answer. I left a message, and I’m really hoping he calls me back. Who gives out a phone number and doesn’t call people back? I hope he doesn’t do the whole “three day wait” thing. Especially since I’m way too impatient for my own good, and I don’t quite understand what the point of the three day rule is or who made it up. I’m keeping my fingers crossed on this one!


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